From Vanina Henry
The wall covering dresses the walls and immediately gives a unique atmosphere to your interior.

ELITIS collection Galerie
There are extraordinary choices of wallpapers, they used to be a basic decorative element, forgotten today by some who seek minimalism with white walls.
As an interior designer, I cannot consider a project without incorporating a wall covering. I recommend it to enhance a wall, to contrast a particular space. It can be used anywhere without limit.
Wallpaper designers are constantly coming up with new manufacturing techniques, designers are inspired by art offering us a sublime choice of colours and patterns.
Harmonise your interior with materials and colours
The hardest part is the choice, you have to create the colour concept and be seduced by the covering that speaks to you the most.
Often, when I choose a wallpaper for a client, I have to go through entire collections before I find the ONE that fits and only the feeling, the little voice inside dictates the right choice.

Projet interior design Vanina Henry

Wallpaper in a bathroom, Vanina Henry project
Dare to use patterns and colours for an entrance, an opening on a room to create the WOW!

Some colours with a wall paper, ELITIS
You don’t dare to use a pattern? From experience, I can say that you are never disappointed with the expected result.
Are you afraid of getting bored with it? Then, like the seasons, you can change it and move on to new horizons!